Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Plein air - Maine

I shipped my paints to Bangor, our first hotel stop in Maine so they wouldn't be taken by TSA.  The first day of the 'cruise' I took my small 'cigar box' set-up and paints to shore to paint.  I managed to complete this little painting of our schooner before the sun set and the Lobsters were fully cooked.  It was an amazing evening!

The Isaac Evans  (6x8)

Sunrise over the Victory Chimes              (6x8 Painted while sitting on the deck of the Evans)

                                           Booth Bay Harbor on a foggy day     ( 8x10)

Here are a couple of photos taken while I was enjoying my 'therapy'!!

Travel Journal / Diary September 12-25, 2011

This Sketchbook was done using Pencil, Sharpie and Watercolor.  It was great fun to 
document our trip doing quick sketches.  Some were done on sight and some were drawn 
from photos taken.

Travel Journal continued -

Travel Journal continued -

Travel Journal - continued